Thursday, November 27, 2014

Your Mission - if you choose to accept it

What do you need for Christmas if you are going to leave to be a missionary - well this is our prayer list
How to Pray for Us and Our Work with Bahamas Methodist Habitat
The following is a list we hope you will keep handy in the next few weeks and months as we take this step in service.
-          Pray for us to be listening to hear God’s voice in resolving the needs of leaving our home and family. There are many things for us to do – from getting rid of things to finding save storage for what will remain here while we are gone – from saying good-bye to family and friends to helping them feel comfortable with our absence.
-          Pray for Mason to continue to be surrounded by caring and nurturing adults who will help him grow and be confident God is with him while we are not with him physically. Pray he is able to ask for help when he needs it and to be aware of others needs around him. Pray for Mason to be protected from harm and wise in his choices. Pray in moments of loneliness he will know he is not alone.
-          Pray for those who will be caring and nurturing Mason. This gift of being called does not go without calling others to share in our mission. We pray God continues to bless the Bohannon family as they offer  their home and welcome Mason into their family. Pray for the church family to seek Mason out to hold him in close connection. Pray for Mason’s friends and the people in his life that they too are good influences in his maturing Christ-like character.
-          Pray for David and I to have continued peace and to know and be aware of the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Help us to be aware when we are to step up to help and be aware when we are to rest. Prays for our health and safety as we work and travel.
-          Pray for those we will be working with and those who’s good we are working for when we arrive on Eleuthera. We will weekly meet many new volunteers from many walks of life and with many reasons to be responding to their call to go on a mission. We pray God’s light will shine through us. Pray for the staff and co-volunteers we will be working with too as we keep focus on the mission and reason we serve.
-          Pray for our happiness to be apparent, our strength to be unchallenged and our spirit to be lifted when we are feeling overwhelmed with change or stress.
-          Just Pray! We know God has the power to make you aware of our needs and how to pray for us in ways we may not even think of right now.

Thanks you for your support and we hope you continue to know you are a part of this mission too.

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