Fog over the Salt Pond before the dune and the sea |
This morning, since the clocks sprang forward, our teams are up in time to see the sunrise.
You have to make an effort to look for it though. The building is not situated in a way to make it a focal point. As you walk to the dinning hall for breakfast you can miss it because it's behind you.
As we gathered in the dinning hall for breakfast I noticed the orange glow streaming through the screen door on to the white table cloth at the buffet table. (Miss Pauline always serves us on a nicely set table) I got excited to follow the stream to peer out the door and see the color and rays just beyond the waving palm trees. I invited a few other volunteers to look through the doorway too. With a sigh one said, "Just another beautiful day."
It is beautiful! I am so blessed to be able to see it and witness it in person. How many sunrises and sunsets do we miss in our lives because we are too focused on the things and the stuff of life.
"Just another Beautiful Day"
It made me think about the work "just" though. So, I looked it up and "just" can be used in several ways and have very different meanings.
"that's just what I need"
exactly, precisely, absolutely, completely, totally, entirely, perfectly,utterly, wholly, thoroughly, altogether, in
every way, in every respect,in all respects, quite; More
o exactly or almost exactly at this or
that moment.
"she's just coming"
2.very recently; in the
immediate past.
"I've just seen the local paper"
moment ago, a second ago, a short time ago, very
recently, not long ago, lately, only
just saw him"
3.barely; by a little.
"inflation fell to just over 4 per
a narrow margin, narrowly, only
just, by inches, by a hair's breadth,by the narrowest of
margins; More
4.simply; only; no more
"just a bad day in the office"
o really; absolutely (used for emphasis).
"they're just great"
I have had issue with the word "just".
I think sometimes we use it like the third or forth meaning "barely; by a little"; "only or merely". For a sunrise - just another - should not be so ho-hum, so meaningless, so many we barely notice them because we have one every day.
I want to use my "just" as in the first meaning - precisely, absolutely, completely, totally, entirely, perfectly. Like the expression exclaims: "THAT JUST HAPPENED!"
Because God gave me this day, I want to use it to help, do good, and bring peace to the world.
I want to say: "Just (absolutely, completely, perfectly) Another Beautiful Day!"
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