Monday, May 11, 2015

Culture and The Word

     We saw a couple entering the store at The Bluff yesterday dressed in plain clothing. Yes, the woman was wearing a prayer covering and the man a straw hat. She wore a simple dress and he was wearing suspenders. I had to take a second to remember I was not back in Lancaster County.
I could not help myself. I had to know if they were Mennonite or some Amish sect and how they came to be on Eleuthera. So, I chased them down inside the store.
     I asked about where they were from and what faith they followed. Turns out they have chosen to lead a life very similar to the Mennonites who live on Abaco. She was a Bahamian born and raised on Spanish Wells and he had a lived in the states. I shared how I was from Lancaster and familiar with “plain” cultures. (we even spoke about Brethren heritage) We didn't share the whole history of how they came to practice their faith in this way but, neither of them had been raised “plain”.
Then he began to question me about why I didn't follow their ways. He asked me why I didn't wear a prayer covering.

Scripture reference: 1 Corinthians 11:5-7 Common English Bible (CEB)

Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered disgraces her head. It is the same thing as having her head shaved. If a woman doesn't cover her head, then she should have her hair cut off. If it is disgraceful for a woman to have short hair or to be shaved, then she should keep her head covered.A man shouldn't have his head covered, because he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is man’s glory.

     OK, so where do you go with that? I didn't bring my covering along – but I do have one. (I don’t know if there are many of us who still do) It’s been tucked away as a memory of baptism. I wore it to Love Feasts as a teen. After college it seemed the tradition just dropped off for many Brethren congregations.
     Paul wrote so many things which are attached to culture, especially when it comes to women. When I read the whole comment in 1 Corinthians I’m not sure I would agree we should be interpreting the importance of covering your head. I think it is the opposite. I think Paul’s statement here is more about, why is this a subject to argue over – cover or not to cover.

How many times do we use our current culture as an excuse for how we behave?
Everyone has it – so I should too. Everyone does it – so I can too.

Culture meets The Word – every day.

What do we choose to follow in the Bible and what do we choose to follow in our culture?
I don't think we are much different as humans from the times of Paul's writing. Everyday we have to ask ourselves, who's culture do I follow - popular culture? 
the culture of the region where I live? 
the culture of my family? 
the culture of my faith? 

I want to follow first my Christian culture. I am called to love. I am called to care. I am called to be honest and truthful. I am called to pray and take my concerns to God. I am called to not be jealous or rude or easily annoyed. (see 1 Corinthians 13)

We may debate what that means for every day life but, I think of the Christian Culture as one of love above all else. 

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